Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Dress to Shirt & Shorts

 Hello Readers. I saw this shirt dress and loved the stripes. I thought they looked a little like pajamas. I wanted a shirt from this dress. And could I make shorts? Was there enough fabric? Could it be done? Let's see.

Before and after. 

Love the stripes, don't love the length of the skirt. Let's make some shorts.

I cut the top of the dress off. I made my cut right under the waist tie. I left a little extra to make a new hem at the bottom. 
I hemmed the bottom of the shirt. And that was it. My new shirt was done, but what about the shorts?
I used a pattern to make the shorts. I thought if I positioned the pattern just right, I could keep the pockets. 

I cut the pieces out and it was looking good so far. 

I put the shorts pieces together. 

They looked like shorts! Yay! I needed to hem the legs and add a waistband.

I added some really ugly elastic but...

I turned it under so no one will really see it.

My new combo makes me think "pajama chic" loungewear. Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.

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