Hello Readers. I wanted a simple lightweight robe for summer. Summer is pretty much over but I just got around to making one. I used a big men's t-shirt and some wide ribbon.
I started by cutting the navy blue shirt down the middle to open it. I cut the neckband off and made a deep V-shape at the neckline. The edges didn't need to be perfect, I was going to cover them later. I just needed the basic robe shape.
I also cut the lower hem off the shirt. I plan to use that as a belt to tie around the waist and keep the robe closed. I made sure to keep all the stitching intact, so the belt would stay together.
I made 2 little cuts in each side of the shirt to act as belt loops to hold the belt. I tried to make the loops a few inches below the sleeves. You could put the belt at any height that works for you.
I decided to finish all the cut edges with some wide blue ribbon that I had on hand. It matched well and dressed up the robe a little. I used my machine to attach it to the cut edges at the bottom, front, and neck of the robe.
I actually made 2 robes. I used the same method and it was just as easy. This is a black shirt and I used black lace to cover and finish the cut edges.
Using the ribbon/lace was a quick way to hide all the cut edges and make the robes pretty. The wide ribbon and lace also added a bit to the overall length of the robes.
Mornings are meant for caffeine. That is really me before my first cup of tea. I will never be a morning person but a comfy robe can't hurt.
*Year end update- I use the black robe all the time. The ribbon on the blue robe was not as soft as the black so it doesn't get as much wear. Comfort is key.
**2019 Update - I made a third robe. The black one got eaten by the washer. The
blue one wasn't very soft where the ribbon hit the back of my neck. So I used the softest cotton lace I could to make this gray robe.

*Year end update-I use this robe spring, summer, and fall. I made another one for my daughter.
I love the background of your blog. Is it your artwork?
Very nice!I love comfy robes <3
Thanks! I wish I could take credit for it. It was one of the choices in the blog template. I can't draw or paint any better than my 3 year old. I liked the colors though.
Thanks for reading.
Me too! I wish I had thought of it sooner.
Happy sewing to you!
My friend’s husband passed away. I got a couple of his shirts and I’d like to make her a robe. I’m really afraid I’ll mess it up! (I don’t have a sewing machine so will have to get help). THANKS also for the soft edging comment!
I am sorry for your friend. That is a huge loss. I hope the robe helps. It is a nice gift for you to make.
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