Friday, November 11, 2022

Altering a Sweater Knit Poncho

 Hello Readers. My daughter gave me this poncho style sweater as a hand-me-down. I love it but I felt a little lost in there. I am too short to wear big long sweaters well. I thought I could restyle this poncho easily with a little sewing. I was in the mood to experiment until I got something that worked for me.

Before and after. And after. And after.
This poncho was pretty but the wide sides just felt like too much. Do I look like Luke Skywalker? I feel like I look like Luke Skywalker.
I marked with chalk where I wanted to make new side seams. I also wanted to make the sleeves a little more narrow. I used a zigzag stitch to sew these new side seams and it was easy.
It was easy to stitch through this material. I used a zigzag stitch to make sure it wouldn't fray when I cut off the excess material.
This new simple sweater was nice. I put it on top of a dress to add length and it was great. I probably should have stopped here but I didn't. I kept going and going.

My next step was to cut off some of the neck because it was so large and bulky. I used my serger on the cut edge to control any fraying. That worked out well but I kept going.

I thought I should add pockets and then I added lace too. It was pretty and a little cottage-core but it didn't turn out as well as I thought it would. I wasn't happy with what I ended up with. I thought I could unpick the stitches and remove them but I couldn't.
I decided to cut the bottom of the sweater off. It as the only way to remove the pockets. I used a zigzag stitch to attach that tie belt to the cut edge to finish the bottom of my new shorter sweater. I liked the ends tied in a bow at the side. Now it's shorter but loose fitting. That is all for now.
Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.
*Year End Note From Chickie- Making this sweater was a journey but I do like the final result. It goes with everything and it's simple. Perfect for work.





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