Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Sweater Dress Refashion

 Hello Readers. I was given this dress as a hand-me-down (Hammy-down!) and I loved the color. It was a heavy and warm sweater knit. And I love mustard yellow. I didn't think it fit well. It was kind of shapeless on me. I thought maybe it was too long. I wanted to make it I thought I could change it up and I would like it even more.

Before and after.
I just felt like I was wearing a sleeping bag. 
I cut the dress in half. I thought a 2 piece outfit would be better. I could wear them separately and I could alter the fit to make it less shapeless. 
I wanted to add an elastic waistband to the skirt. This would be comfortable and it would bring the waist in  and add some shape. 
I used a zigzag stitch to attach the elastic to the skirt. I sewed the elastic right onto the outside of the skirt.
When I flip the elastic up the cut edge of the sweater fabric is hidden. 
I made the skirt a bit smaller to improve the fit. I added the same elastic waistband to the bottom of the new top. 
I love the new outfit. The waistbands that I added don't really show but the new shape is great. 
Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.









Anonymous said...

Love this idea ❤️

I Can Work With That said...

Thanks so much for the kind comment.