Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Corduroy Dress

 Hello Readers. I love this color blue. I would call it ultra marine but Google disagreed. According to them it is Phthalo blue. Or Thalo, there were so many color options. I did not learn anything from my color research. Anyway...I loved this jumper dress because the color appealed to me. 

It's Phthalo???
I found this at a clothes swap and did not realize it would be so baggy. I still loved it and wanted to make it fit. 
I tried it on inside out and pinned the sides where I wanted new side seams.
I sewed new side seams and cut off a bit of fabric from each side of the dress. 
Here is a look at the new side seam.
I didn't change the dress in style or shape but I love the new fit. Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.


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