Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Valentine's Day Blouse

 Hello Readers. I love making clothes for holidays. When I saw this white blouse with little red hearts on it at a clothes swap last summer I took it home and saved it for Valentine's Day. 

This blouse was perfect for Valentine's Day. 

This blouse was great but you can't try things on at a swap and it was a little too low cut. That's OK, I can fix that. 

I planned to use this Simplicity 8035 pattern for the top and reattach the sleeves to the sleeveless shirt. 

I cut the sleeves off the shirt and saved them for later. 

I cut out my front and back pieces. I also cut out a neck binding. 

I just needed to sew these pieces together. 

I sewed the front and back together first. 

I clipped the sleeves in place and sewed them in. I sewed one in inside out and had to take it out and do it again. (I always get at least one sleeve sewn in wrong.)

I sewed in the neck binding to the neckline and then threaded narrow elastic through it to gather the neckline. 

I liked how the new shirt turned out. 

I wanted to wear this for Valentine's Day. Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.

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