Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Save That Sweater #1

 Hello Readers. Sometimes clothes get worn out. It happens. But if you love something and want to keep wearing it and make it last longer there are ways to mend and repair clothes that anyone can do. 

Cover that hole with a patch.

Holes like this can get bigger and bigger if they are not mended. If you don't sew you might think you can't fix this. But you can. You can use an iron on patch. No sewing needed. 
I ordered a set of daisy patches from Amazon. you can find them at a sewing supple or fabric store too. I got about 2 dozen. I had a few holes in this old favorite sweater and I wanted to cover the holes and I wanted to scatter some flowers all over the sweater.
I placed the flower patch on top of the hole. I tried to center it right on the hole but I didn't stress about it too much. 
I used my iron to press the patch onto the sweater. I set my iron to a medium-high temperature and it only took a minute to set the patch.
There is no rule or plan to this. I just put patches all around. 

This sweater is soft and cozy and oversize. I didn't want to let it go. The patches will give some extra time with this old favorite. I liked how the daisies brightened up the plain dark gray color too. Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.

***Year End Update- This cozy cashmere sweater is a favorite and I love the sweater even more with the daisies.


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