Saturday, December 7, 2024

Fixing a Curtain With Big Holes

 Dear Readers. Hello from my house. I found these holes in my curtain and it seemed like the identity of the vandal was obvious. It had to be Gordon. No one else in the house is that height and no one else took the blame. Who did this doesn't really matter, I really wanted to repair the curtains. 

He is really sorry. Let's fix this. 

The curtains are actually one large panel. They were custom made and then returned to the decorating shop my mother-in-law worked at. She bought them with her employee discount and gave them to me. I can't afford to replace them so I wanted to try and fix this in some way. All the damage was on the left. The holes were too big to just sew the holes together. What else could I do?

Could I remove the section of curtain that had holes? That would mean removing the the 2-3 feet of fabric on the left. I decided to take the curtains down and take a better look. 

I got up on a step ladder and took the curtains down. 
 My curtain hung on little hooks but the way it is hung won't really matter for this fix-it job. 

I stopped for a quick wash. Since I had the curtains down, I might as well wash them. 

I used sharp sewing scissors to cut off about 2 feet from the width of the curtains. My curtain had stripes woven in it. That helped me cut straight up the curtain. I wanted to have an even straight cut to make a new side of these curtains. This was a lot to cut off one side but I wanted to try it and see if it would look OK when I hung it back up.
I folded the newly cut edge under twice. I needed to make a new seam to finish this side of the curtain. I made this new seam as small/narrow as possible. This curtain is going to be more narrow now but making the smallest seam might help a little. 
I hung the curtain up the way it was before and kept hoping it would cover the whole window. It did, but not quite as full and fluffy as before.
The curtain is more narrow now. But it looks so much better with out the big holes in it. If you try this fix your curtain will be a little more narrow too. That isn't necessarily a terrible thing. As long as the curtain covers the window, or most of it, I was happy.
Gordon has been spending time thinking about what he did and he promises not to eat curtains again. Thanks for reading along, now go fix your curtains too. 
***Year End Update***- Gordon has not eaten any other home decor items. What a good boy.




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