Hello Readers. This dress was such a nice Robin's Egg blue. It had pretty shirring through the body. I like the shirring but it did not like me. Or more accurately, it didn't fit me. I could still do something with it and keep that wonderful Robin's egg color. I could make a skirt. It would be so easy because the shirring would make an almost instant waistband.
Before and after.
The shirring was a little tight. It was not comfortable around my chest and I didn't like how tight it was at all.
I cut the top of the dress off. That was the the part that was so uncomfortable. I measured 4 inches and used the lines of elastic as a guide to make a straight cut.
I used my serger to finish and close up the cut edge so it would not fray. I "serged" all the way around the skirt. (Here is a inexpensive beginner serger. If you are considering adding one to your sewing room.) The serger makes a strong edge so you could leave it like this. But we can make it prettier.
(*You can use a sewing machine and a zigzag stitch on this cut edge. It will work well but it might not be as neat. We are going to hide it so it won't matter in the end.)
I used my sewing machine to stitch down the waistband with a zigzag stitch. (Here is a good beginner sewing machine to start some basic sewing projects.) I wanted it to be able to stretch and give with it's elastic. I folded it in and under and stitched all the way around the waistband. Folding the waistband in half so the new waistband is 2 inches wide.
The shirring made a great elastic waistband. It would be comfortable and stretchy and easy to wear. The shirring made it so pretty too.
It was a fun match for this t-shirt. Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.
***Year End Update***- This was comfortable and cute. I love this skirt.
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