Thursday, February 15, 2024

Plaid on Plaid

 Hello Readers. I really love pattern mixing and here is a post about more of it. I wanted to put some plaid with plaid. When I found this plaid fabric for just a few bucks at a thrift store. I decided to make a skirt that I could match with a plaid shirt.

Plaid on plaid?

Fabric can be expensive. When I find cute fabric at the thrift store, I always try to buy it because it is usually much cheaper. I always put it in the washer immediately. I wash and dry it well and then store it for later use.
I decided to use the wrap skirt pattern from this book. It is a favorite pattern because it is easy and I know it fits. I also like wrap skirts because they always fit. If I eat a lot of cookies today, I know this skirt will still fit tomorrow. 

This skirt has a lot of tucks to make the fit at the waist work out. 
I ironed all the tucks. I used some steam and some spray starch to make the skirt smooth and crisp.
 Then I added the waistband with ties to close the skirt.
I made the skirt at a below the knee length and it didn't feel right. 
I wasn't liking this length on me, but I included it to show different options.
I liked the shorter length better on me. I also really like the 2 patterns together. Plaid on plaid? Yes, I think it's a fun look. Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.

***Year End Update***- I liked this plaid on plaid combo a lot! Where did I put the skirt? I don't know... Maybe I need to clean my closet.





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