Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Vintage Bicycle T-shirt

Hello Readers. I receive hand-me-downs on occasion and it is always fun to try and make them fit and look like they are my clothes and not someone else's. Let's talk about it.

Before and after.

This shirt was clearly not right. I don't look stylish or even like I know what size I am. But I love this shirt because it had old fashioned bikes on it. 

I have a thing for vintage bicycles. My sister-in-law gave me this one. I ride it with my kids for fun. 

I want this to fit well. I cut some fabric off each side of the shirt. How did I know how much to cut off?
I used a shirt that I liked the fit of as a guide for my new side seams.
I used matching thread in my serger to make my new side seams. If you don't have a serger, use a zigzag stitch on your sewing machine. 
I put the right sides together and lined up the edges. Then I stitched from the sleeve to the hem. 
I also Adjusted the size of the jeans at the waist and hip. I wanted the jeans to be loose but also stay up at my waist.
Denim is thick and it breaks my needles a lot so I don't use my serger for jeans. I usually try the jeans on inside out and mark where the new seam needs to be. I sew a straight seam and try them on right-side out. If I like the fit, THEN I cut the excess fabric off. If the jeans are too loose, I can sew a new seam to make them smaller. (If it's too tight I can unpick the stitches and try again. If I cut the excess off and it's too tight, I can't fix that.) When I am done sizing and trying them on, I can cut the excess off. Then I head back to the sewing machine and use a zigzag stitch on the edge to keep the seams from fraying inside the jeans. This will make the new seams neater and stronger over time. 
Everything fits well. 
It was a little too cold and snowy for a bike ride this day. 
My daughter said we should go thrifting and we saw this wine sign that was as big as I am. Where would anyone put this? It would take over the whole room. It was huge. Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.
***Year End Update***- This is still a fun shirt. But I do not know where it is...









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