Thursday, June 22, 2023

Thrifting in the US

 Hello Readers. I am a thrifty sort of person and I went thrifting before I left for vacation. I live in a small town so this might not be an accurate representation of all US thrift stores but it is what I found near me.

The thrill of a good hunt.

This retro blouse caught my eye. 
When I got home I realized it was 2 shirts in 1.

This jumpsuit was fabulous!

My legs are half this length so I am going to need to do something to make this fit me.

This yellow dress was so pretty!

It is also too long but I'm not sure how short to make it. I will have to think about this.

This lace jacket was so light and airy.
  I have been wanting one of these but I want it shorter. You can probably figure out what I am going to do with this. 
This was nice linen but it is much longer than I thought it was going to be. Could it be a dress? I'm not sure yet.
I also got these pajamas pants because they had scenes of London all over them and that was where I was headed on my vacation.
They were the perfect comfortable pajamas when I was tired at the end of the day. (We tried to see the entire country in one week. I was really tired.)Thanks for reading along. My next post will be about the thrifting I did while on vacation in England.
***Year End Update- I am still a thrifty scavenger. That isn't going to change.


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