Tuesday, January 2, 2024

An Elastic Belt For a Cropped Look

 Hello Readers. It's 2024! We made it! 2023 was a rough year for so many, maybe a fresh start will help. I have seen some elastic "belts" online that can be used to tuck your top up into for a cropped look. I thought it would be handy to have and simple to make. 

Before and after.

I knew I had elastic I could use. I went digging in my supply drawer and found some elastic scraps. This belt won't show at all so any elastic will do.

I connected my elastic using a zigzag stitch on my sewing machine. I went over the edges of the elastic a few times to make the belt really strong. I used wide elastic but I don't think it matters what the width of the elastic is. Use what you have.

I put the elastic belt over this dress. It doesn't look like much now but wait!

I put a top on top and tucked the hem of the top under the belt. That will make the top look cropped.
When I tucked the hem of the shirt under the belt the belt held it in place.
I put the belt on, did some tucking....
The belt held my shirt up all day and gave the whole outfit an higher waist. This was such a simple project, it only took a few minutes. It will be a great way to change the look of shirts and tops. Thanks for reading along, and happy 2024 to you.
***Year End Update***- I like this elastic belt I made to crop long tops. It's really handy. 




MoMo said...

I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy both your refashions and your sense of humor. Happy New Year!

I Can Work With That said...

Thanks so much for the comment. I wish you a great new year too.