Friday, July 7, 2023

Flowy Lace Jacket; The Sequel

 Hello Readers. I don't like to waste things so when I refashion and cut up a garment. I always try to use every part of that garment if I can. I am not throwing away good fabric. That's crazy. When I shortened the lace jacket last time I had a lot of left over lace fabric to use for a second project. 

Before and after. And after.

This was just really lovely but I needed it to be shorter for work. 

I gave it a cut in the middle and made a shorter jacket. But the leftovers are going to be a very pretty slip/skirt extender. 

The edges here that go up and down the center are going to be the focus.

I turned the fabric side ways. The lace edges that were in the center/front is now the hemline. The slip was very narrow but it had a lot of give and stretch to it so it fit really well. It has a horizontal seam in the middle but that isn't going to show when I wear it so I am not worried about it. 

It needed an elastic waistband so I grabbed some very basic white elastic. (I think this is leftover from mask making in Covid times.) I didn't try to make the waistband pretty or fancy because it will never show either.

Here it is. I planned for this to just peek out from under skirts and dresses that feel a bit too short. It's pretty and the edge at the hem makes it look nicely finished. Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.

***Year End Update- I love this lacey slip. It is lovely to me.

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