Sunday, May 21, 2023

Make Magnets to Remind Yourself of What's In the Refridgerator

 Hello Readers. I can be forgetful. I try to make sure everything important is in my calendar, I put all my important items by the door the night before so I don't forget them when I leave in the morning. But one thing I never remember is to cook and use all the fresh produce in the refrigerator. I needed a way to remind myself what I had so I could use it all. Groceries are expensive, I don't want to waste them.

These homemade magnets are going to help me.

I found these magnets while shopping on Amazon. They are actually like little pockets to hold a small photo with a magnet on the back. They are going to help me remember what I bought and hopefully get me to eat more fresh produce.

I started by writing the name of the fruit or vegetable. I also drew a picture on a small piece of note paper. My youngest child saw this and really wanted to get involved so this became a family activity. He helped draw the pictures and write the names. We also talked about what fruits and veggies we liked and bought most often. 

When the picture was ready, I slid it into the pocket. The magnet is on the back so this is a very easy project. I just stuck the magnet on the fridge.

We made a magnet for every fruit and veggie we could think of. We skipped things we don't ever eat. You can customize this for your shopping and eating habits.

In the end I decided to put all the foods we had on-hand to the left. The magnets on the right are not currently in stock. You could put your magnets at eye level so you can see them easily and put the ones you don't need to see down lower or on the side of the refrigerator. You could also put pictures of leftovers or things about to expire on the magnet pictures. As always, do whatever works best for you.

I hope this idea helps you. Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.

***Year End Update- These are still on my fridge and my son loved making them. They do help me remember what I have but I still forget at times.

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