Saturday, March 18, 2023

Refresh Kitchen Cabinets With New Knobs

 Hello Readers. I have lived in the same house for 20 years. Some things are getting a little worn out, of course. All those years, the kids, the dogs and everyday life can wear things out. One of the places I can see the wear is the kitchen, specifically the cabinets. I wanted to do something bold and different to brighten it up and I decided to replace the cabinet knobs. 

These gold knobs were what the builder decided we were getting when the house was built. We lived with them for all this time and they were ... fine, for a while anyway.
This poor sad knob had been to war and back. I replaced it with a new bright fresh knob and gave the kitchen a fresh new look.
This little rack was my inspiration. These blue and white ceramic knobs were so fun. This was hanging in my daughter's apartment. It occurred to me that I could buy some knobs like this and I could replace my beat up old gold knobs with new bright knobs. It would really freshen up my kitchen cabinets.

I needed more knobs so I started shopping around. Look at all the different shades of blue in these knobs. If I wanted new knobs to have a visual impact then bright colors and various patterns would be best. These are the knobs I chose.

This is a look at my kitchen before replacing any knobs. The cabinets are all white and the counter is blue. If you think there is a blue and white theme to my choice of new knobs, you are right. Those blue knobs will really work well here and give the kitchen  more custom look.

 The first step was removing the gold knobs. I used a screwdriver to help loosen the screw from the inside of the cabinet and the knobs came right off. 
There was 20 years of crud under those old knobs. YUCK!!  I scrubbed all the dirt away on each cabinet.
The new knobs I chose came fully assembled on a long screw. I pushed the screw through the hole in the cabinet. There were already knobs on these cabinets so I did not need to drill holes. 
 Once the knob was in the hole I put the washer (Metal O) on the screw. The 6 sided nut went on last. I tightened them up by hand. You can use a wrench to tighten the whole assembly if needed.

Here is a video reenactment of the whole process.
 I love the little pops of blue and the variety of the shades of blue.
Here is a little side by side comparison of the old and new knobs. The blues really pop. The blue knobs look great against the white cabinets.
And one more before and after picture. 
I love the effect of the new brightly colored knobs. Will it always stay this neat and orderly? No, but the new fun knobs definitely add a new fresh look to the overall decor. Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.
 ***Year End Update- These knobs are fun a colorful. They really made my cabinets look more custom. They seem to catch to the eye.








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