Friday, November 25, 2022

Sweater Weather

 Hello Readers. It is Thanksgiving this week in the U.S. and that shakes up the schedule a little. I didn't have that much time to sew but I did finish 2 small projects that made these 2 sweaters wearable again. It is getting chilly out there. I need warmer clothes.

Today is 2 posts in 1.

The first project was this purple shirt. Well, I only had part of it. I used the bottom of the shirt to make a skirt back in April 2022. But I don't throw away scraps so...

I had this very short shirt. It was just the sleeves, shoulders and neckline. I saved it because I loved the fabric. I thought maybe I could use the sleeves for something. Then I had an idea!
I decided to use my serger on the cut edge and use the shirt under sweaters. It would be sort of a dickie but with sleeves. 
The serger would keep the cut edge from fraying in the wash. 
This was a great partner for this purple sleeveless sweater. Let's look at sweater #2. 
This green sweater is a little too small but I love that acid green color. 
I cut the sweater open on the sides and along the inside of the sleeves. I did this so I could sew some wide ribbon into the sweater to make it bigger. This is just one long cut and I can add one piece of ribbon on each side. This is my favorite way to make sweater larger. It only takes 2 cuts and 4 new seams. Easy as pie!
This is a weird pose but it shows where the ribbon is. The ribbon gave me just enough extra room to wear this sweater comfortably. That's all for today. Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.
*Year End Note From Chickie- These are 2 great fixes to give me more work clothes. I forget to make basics so when I do make them, I love them and they get a lot of wear. 






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