Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Shortening a Suede Skirt

 Hello Readers. Have you ever tried to sew or alter suede? I was really afraid of messing this skirt up. I left it hanging on my refashion rack for months. What if I ruined it? What if I could not make it wearable? What if... what if???

 Before and after.

I loved this color. I loved the soft suede. It seemed a little long on me and the waist was just a little too big. I needed to take the waist in a little but it seemed like it would be so difficult to sew through suede. Especially layers of suede, like in this waistband. But nothing ventured, nothing gained. 

Look at the beautiful suede.

I tried the skirt on and used a black marker to mark where I needed to make new side seams. I only needed to take the waist in a bit to make it fit really well. I thought it might be difficult to sew but it was like sewing through butter. Why did I wait so long? What was I so afraid of?

When I was examining the skirt I found proof that everyone makes messy seams sometimes. 

I was afraid to cut this skirt and I worked as slow as I could. It was so slow I had to speed this video a lot. I cut the skirt as carefully as I could and then went inside and cut the lining. 

I used a serger to finish the hem of the lining. It is inside so it's OK that the stitches are showing. 
I removed about 6 inches from the bottom of the skirt. It was so much easier than I thought it would be because the skirt had no hem at the bottom anyway. They just cut the suede so I knew I could just cut the edge too. I had it so built up in my mind that this would be a difficult refashion but it was so easy.
 The shorter length was much better for me. I thought it was perfect for a big cozy sweater. Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself. 
*Year End Note From Chickie- This is a great skirt for winter. It's warm and goes with a lot. I really like this one.





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