Saturday, November 19, 2022

Hiding Electronics in an Ikea Basket

 Hello Readers. I think we all have electronics that we need but would rather not see. They are not very pretty and if you don't decorate in a black, they don't match the decor. I saw a way to hide them using a basket from IKEA. I loved the ides so when I went to IKEA recently I grabbed a basket. 

There is an XBOX hiding in that basket!

This is the basket I got from IKEA. It's called the SMARRA. It is a square and is really light weight. I thought I could put mt device inside and poke a little hole for the cords. It needed more work than that but it wasn't difficult.

My XBOX was too big. I found out later that the basket is large enough for most routers but I was going to have to make some adjustments to fit my device inside her and be able to close the lid.

I realized I would need to cut the back of the basket off to close the lid on my device. I tried pruning shears that I use to cut bushed but they didn't work for me. I grabbed this tiny saw ans started sawing back and forth at the corner.

It only took a few minutes to cut through the basket. I cut off more of the basket than I needed too but it worked out fine. 

I cut through the back corners on the bottom basket and the lid. The back of the basket is kind of dangling loose here. 

I cut off the back of the basket. It was easy to cut through the basket with household scissors. 

This is a good look at the basket and how it closes. When you see the back of the basket it's clear I didn't need to cut off so much but when it is pushed back on the table it looks great. 

The basket looks so much better than the electronics did. I put some pictures out with it and that was it. Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.
*Year End Note From Chickie- My house can be a total wreck but this basket looks great. I need to hide everything in baskets like this.

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