Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Let's Go For A Walk

 Hello Readers. I don't know what 2022 has looked like for you but it has not been my best year. I always try to be positive because I don't want to bring myself (Or anyone else.) down. But dang! This year has been lousy. I am trying to get more exercise and for me that means going for a walk to improve my outlook and general mental health. So, let's go for a walk.

Before and after.

 Comfortable exercise clothes are always a good idea. This combo seemed like it might be good for getting active. It needs some help though. The shirt is big and I didn't like the white sleeves. I needed to rework that shirt. The skirt fit well and was just a little too long. 

I started by cutting off those white sleeves. The white was a little blah and I thought a high neck tank top style would look cool and be cool in the heat.

 When I cut all the white sleeve off I left about 1/4 of an inch so I could turn the cut edge in and under and stitch it down.

I put the shirt on my dress form inside out and started pinning the sides together to see how much I needed to cut off. 

This is what I needed to remove. My next step was to sew the sides together again. The right sides are facing each other and I used my serger and stitched the sides together.
  I knew I might need to make tucks in the armholes to make them fit well. Loose armholes are fine on a t-shirt with sleeves. I cut the sleeves off so the armholes were a little big and gaped open a little. I wanted the armholes to fit snug so I had to sew and cut out small tucks. These are small triangles sewn and the excess fabric is cut out. This is a look at the inside of the shirt. I just took a little pinch of fabric away to tighten up the armholes.

I thought the shirt was a little too long so I gave it a big cut.
I gave this skirt a big cut too. It was too long for what I wanted. I didn't hem it because knits don't fray. It will stay intact just like this wash after wash. It looks more casual if it is left without a hem but that's OK. This is exercise wear. It is supposed to be casual.
Here is a quick overview of what I did for these pieces.
Then I went for a walk outside for my own good. Thanks for reading a long, now go make something fun for yourself.
*Year End Note From Chickie- This tank gets a lot of wear. It turned into pajamas and I wore it to sleep whenever it was clean because it is so soft.


  1. You have such a good eye for refashioning! I've been reading all your posts but, yeah, 2022 has been pretty bad here too, and time is not in plentiful supply, so my comments have been few and far between. I especially like this refashion and the one a few posts ago that was a cut-down man's blue shirt to which you added lace around the armholes - it was so sweet! I hope your (and my and everybody's) year starts to improve. Onward and upward :)

  2. Thanks Jenny!
    I appreciate the comment. The 20's just have not been good. I am trying to be hopeful but it doesn't seem to get much better. Maybe the 2030's will be full of joy and peace! :)
