Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Cheetah Purse

 Hello Readers. This is the last post of June. I enjoyed all my animal print refashions. This last project is more of a scrap buster project instead of a refashion or upcycle. I looked in my fabric closet for something with an animal print on it and I found a gem. 

Before and after.

This is my sewing room closet. It is stuffed full of fabric and trim and things for me (And my daughter!) to use. I had a small piece of cheetah print fabric that fit my theme for this month. A lot of this fabric came from my dear mother-in-law when she downsized her house. She had quite a bit of upholstery fabric and it makes great bags.

This cheetah fabric was right on top waiting for me. I didn't really know what I was doing but I have never let that stop me before. Let's get sewing and see what happens.

My mother-in-law also gave me a bunch of purse handles and straps that she had. I was ready to make a bag.

I decided to use the handle with the large wooden beads. It looked so fun.

I trimmed the piece of fabric so it was even all around and there were no ragged edges. I was left with a weird diamond sort of shape. I had to make a bag with the fabric I had.

This video makes it more clear what shape I had and what my plan was.

My bag was all put together. It was basically one big pocket. I had 2 layers of this fabric so it was lined with the same fabric that was on the outside. I liked how it looked but it was THICK. It was difficult to stitch and I broke a lot of needles. I still needed to attach the handle to the top. 

The handle had brass ends that I could sew to the bag by hand. I used embroidery weight thread so it would be strong. I attached the handle to the inner layer so the hand sewing wouldn't show on the outside.
 I also sewed a magnetic closure to the front so it will stay closed.

Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself. 
 *Year End Note From Chickie- This bag is so fun. True love. It's more for a date night to hold essentials.


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