Friday, April 22, 2022

The Linebacker Dress

 Hello Readers. I love dresses with unique details. The sleeves and big shoulders of this dress really caught my eye. I wasn't happy with how it looked on me though. The shoulders seemed too big and the sleeves made my arms look short. (Maybe my arms are just really short.)

Before and after. 

The sleeves were puffy and very stylish but with the high neck I looked like a football player. A very short linebacker.
I decided to shorten the sleeves. I thought that might look better and my arms would look longer.

I cut off a couple inches and turned the cut edge under and stitched it on my sewing machine.

I used a straight stitch when sewing this project. When I was done with the sleeves I moved on the body of the dress. 

I decided that the whole dress would look better as a shirt so I cut the bottom of the dress off.

I hemmed the cut off edge and I had a new shirt.

I liked the shirt with these jeans I bleached a few months ago. The black and white dress also had some off-white in it that matched these jeans perfectly. And check out that little bag!

My daughter gave me this bag. It is made by Purse & Clutch. They are a wonderful ethical company. They work with artisans in Mexico and Ethiopia. They do not use child labor, they pay a living wage, and they are focused on sustainable and environmental manufacturing. They make beautiful bags in all shapes and sizes. (This is not an ad. They do not know me. I just loved the bag and wanted to share their information with you.)
Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself. 
*Year End Note From Chickie- This was a great shirt for work. It never needed to be ironed, that is a winner in my book.


  1. Lovely outfit with classy colors! As a small person, I also watch the proportions of my garments so I don't look or feel like a child wearing adult clothing. You got it just right! Thanks for posting.

  2. Thanks for comment KD,
    It is easy to look overwhelmed by the clothes.

  3. Good color matching!
