Wednesday, January 6, 2021

The $1 Outfit

 Hello Readers. I love bright colors but I always fall back into the habit of wearing black. Black is easy to wear, it can be dressed up or down, and my dog's hair doesn't show on it. I think that is a huge plus.

Let's start by talking about the sweater. This was my husbands sweater. It is from a job he had about 5 years ago. He got laid off and didn't have any emotional attachment to this sweater or company. I liked the style and color. The size and the logo were not working for me so that is what I wanted to change.

The first thing I did was change the size. I am smaller than my husband so this sweater needed to be smaller too.  

I wanted to cover the logo. I was afraid if I tried to unpick the stitches I would ruin the sweater. I had this big flower I could use. But where did this flower come from? That's a good question.

This flower came attached to a Tieks shoe box. My daughter bought a pair of shoes a while ago and this flower was around the box like a bow on a gift box. (This is the kind of thing that I keep and figure out how to use later.) The flower had an elastic band attached to it. I cut the elastic off the flower. Snip, snip.

I used a large safety pin to wear this flower like a broach. It covered the logo perfectly and I was able to take it off and wash the sweater.

These pants were about $1 at a bag sale. (Do your thrift stores have bag sales? It is usually whatever fits in a bag for a set price.) These pants were almost working but the waist was the worst. That's OK, I can fix that.

When I alter pants and jeans I usually make new side seams to change the size of the pants. The only difficulty with this method if the metal rivets. In this picture you can see where I marked the rivet so I could sew around it. If you sew over the rivet you will break your needle and possibly damage the shaft of the sewing machine. (I have done both of those things.)

I did not need to drastically change the size I just needed to alter the fit. 



These black patterned jeans just needed a little tweak to make them fit well at the waist. I hate when the waistband gapes open so fixing these made me feel better. I also tapered the calves to make these into skinny jeans.

 Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.

***Chickie's Year End Review- I liked these pants but outgrew them with all my Covid snacking. I still wear the sweater a lot.


  1. Great outfit at an even greater price! I have found lots of nice quality shirts, tops, and t-shirts that were apparently donated because of their logos. Sometimes I have been able to pick-off an embroidered logo with a seam ripper, but not very often. Usually my solution is to cut a new top avoiding the logo area. That usually restricts the options severely. Covering up the logo is really a better approach, but how to do that?? The floral pin-on is a wonderful idea! Thanks!

  2. Thanks Chickie, I have a golf windbreaker that I love but it is too big (I inherited it from my husband). You have showed me how to do it. I enjoy your blog so much.

  3. Thank you very much for the comments! Good luck with your refashions. I bet they'll turn out great.
