Friday, August 14, 2020

A Swimming Refashion

 Hello Readers. How are you today? As I type this I am hoping the best for the end of this long weird summer. I have a family friend that let us use her backyard pool recently. If you have kids you know why I was so excited to have somewhere to take my 5 year old. He has been trapped in the house for a long time.


I just refashioned a men's t-shirt into a casual dress a few months ago. But now I needed a swim shirt/rash guard. I like to cover up because I am really pale and prone to skin cancer. I have gave up on tanning a long time ago. Did I want to buy a swim shirt? No.

This men's shirt/dress was perfect because this was made of the athletic fabric that breathes and dries quickly. I cut this "dress" down into a fitted style shirt. It needed to be fitted because the water would make it stretch out while I was swimming and playing. I didn't want it hanging off me.

 I cut the length and made it more narrow. Easy-peasy! And it matched these bathing suit bottoms.


I also refashioned these swim bottoms previously. They had a belt that was attached to the waist. It gave me an idea.


I started by removing the belt. 


 I cut that metal ring off the belt and re-attached the belt to the waistband again. It made a much higher waist. I really liked that because I am all about covering up my stomach.


You can see how much higher the waist is with the addition of the extra fabric.


Below you can see the only picture of me in a bathing suit that will ever get on the internet. Bathing suit pictures just are not my thing. Playing with my kids and not getting sunburned is. I was ready to play in the water and not burn.

  Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.



  1. That is such a great idea for a bathing suit. Who says swimsuits have to be teeny? Not me. Not a lot of other ladies, either :) I like how you extended the waist portion - very useful.

  2. Hi Jenny,
    Think of all the money I will save on sunscreen being that covered at the pool. HA!
    I hope you are enjoying your summer.
