Wednesday, July 8, 2020

The Warm Shoulder Top

Hello Readers. How are you? Are you well and safe? Are you wearing a mask everywhere and washing your hands so often your skin is super dry? Yes, me too. Part of my work is online at home. I can wear whatever I want. But part is out in public and I am required to wear a mask. It saves time on applying make-up because who needs makeup when your whole face is hidden?
The requirements for work clothes have not changed. No bare shoulders.

That means I could not wear this cute polka dot top. It had a little tie belt and I liked it a lot but those shoulders...

I decided to remove those low hanging sleeves. I took the shirt in a little on the sides and finished the armholes. I still could not wear this because sleeveless shirts are also a no-no too.

I took those sleeves and saw that they were perfect little half circles.

I pinned and pinned so those sleeves fit on my shirt. I used my sewing machine to attach them.

The circles made fluttery little sleeves that would cover my shoulders. That means I was ready for work!

That is what I did. I went to work. 

Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.


  1. That's adorable! What a great use of the former sleeves!

  2. Thanks for the comment jenny_o! It was an easy way to make the top work approved. And I liked the ruffly little sleeves.
    Happy sewing to you!

  3. Great refashion!
    I already have cold shoulders, and don't want holes in the shoulders of my tops or dresses. A few years ago, I found a nice dress of a heavy knit, nice dark color, nice fit for me, long sleeves, but inexplicably, big open ovals on the shoulders. In a fall/winter dress! So, I took out the hole-y sleeves, used the lower part to make 3/4 sleeves, and re-attached them. Now I have a more appropriate dress for cooler weather.
    Thanks for your post. I look forwarding to reading them.

  4. Hi KD! Thanks for the comment. I guess I am not the only one trying to fill in those "holes" at the shoulder. Your idea sounds great. I like 3/4 length sleeves the best anyway.
    Happy sewing to you,
