Friday, July 24, 2020

Summer Colors

Hello Readers. How are you? How are things in your town or city? How are you dealing with the constant negative news coming at us everyday? I am walking a fine line trying to stay informed but not overwhelmed. And I am sewing.
I loved the colors of this shirt. It looked so summery to me. And white linen pants? Yes, please.

There was a problem with this outfit. The white pants were not bad through the hips but the waist and legs were not working. The fabulous shirt was a bit too long, a bit too loose in the sleeves and a bit too much. I was not worried. I knew I could fix this outfit.

I shortened these white pants and made a pair of cropped wide leg pants. I also made a couple tucks in the waistband. The tucks kept the waist more fitted and would keep the pants in place. Once th waist fit well it gave the outfit a little shape.
Shorten and hem. That's what I do.
I loved the shirt but the sleeves felt a little too big on me. I wanted them loose but not this loose.

It only took a little sewing to change this outfit into something I loved.

Thanks for reading along, now go make something for yourself. 


  1. Cool and chic summer outfit! You look great!

  2. Thanks so much KD!
    The colors really felt like they would be perfect for a hot summer day.
