Friday, July 31, 2020

Romper Re-Do

Hello Readers. How are you doing? It feels like a busy time but maybe it is just a trick of the mind because so much is going on in the world. Are you reading this to get a little distraction? OK, let's talk sewing.

Can we talk about statement sleeves?  I usually don't like them very much to be honest. Well, I don't like them on me. They look great on other people. People with full grown adult length arms. These sleeves are always too long on me and I feel ridiculous.  Do I need all this sleeve? Am I casting a spell? How can I function in this romper without this fabric getting in the way? If I cook at the stove I am definitely setting myself on fire. I know it.

The solution was obvious! You can probably guess what I did. I cut those sleeves right off. It is hotter than a ball of fire out there, why would I want long sleeves? I stitched the raw edge under and I was good to go.

This romper was done. The short sleeves were much better for summer and I could use my arms again. That is a win-win.

Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.


  1. Thank you ! I get a kick out of your humor and timely comments about our situation right now. Love to see the re-fashions, too.

  2. My thought also: Why does a short romper of lightweight fabric need (too) long sleeves? Your cap sleeves make much more sense. Cute outfit for a hot summer day or evening!

  3. Thank you for the comments AC and KD.
    I love hearing from readers.
    Happy sewing to both of you!
