Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Dressing Up!

Hello Readers. I have been staying home and wearing pajamas for a while now. I wanted to get dressed, just to see if it was still possible. I made a dressy date night outfit. Am I going out on a date any time soon? Probably not. It is always good to be prepared though.

I have had this plum colored silk shirt on my refashion rack for a while. I like silk (Doesn't everyone?) I wasn't sure I liked the length though. Why was it so long?
 And the brocade pants? They just needed to be shorter. 

I cut the long part of the shirt off in the back. It was easy because the front and back were already split. I turned the cut edge under and stitched it down.

I didn't change the front of the shirt. I wanted to use the long pieces to tie the shirt in the front. It seemed like a more fun style. It is a lot shorter but no tummy shows. (My tummy is my business.)

What did I do with the piece I cut off the back of the shirt? It was a long narrow rectangle. I hemmed the edge and used it as a small scarf. I tied it onto an elastic hair band.  

It easily made a fancy little ponytail.(It was very hard to get a close picture of my own head.)

These black brocade pants just felt special and I needed some pants. 

I had to hem the pant legs to a shorter length but that was it. 
I liked my new dressed-up outfit. Maybe I will wear it to watch a movie at home?

Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.

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