Thursday, January 2, 2020

The New Year's Eve Dress

Hello Readers. I hope you have a wonderful 2020. I did not go anywhere or do anything that required more than my pajamas. I was in bed asleep before 11. Why? Why are you so boring Chickie? Well, I am a tired mom and my youngest gave me a cold for Christmas. I am starting this year at home in bed. 
This dress was originally going to be my Christmas Eve dress. That didn't work out either. We didn't go to church like we usually do because the little guy was coughing and sniffling. I didn't want to spread his germs all over the church. (You're welcome church friends.) He is doing better now. After a day or two of coughing in my face, he is better.

This dress is a little shiny and a little stretchy. What more could I want in a dress?

It was a great match for this cashmere sweater that has been waiting for an outing. It is part of a sweater set that I refashioned recently. This sweater is plain and simple. I thought it would quiet down the shiny dress and make it warmer in this cold weather.

The sweater just needed a little mending under one arm.

This dress didn't need much help. It was just a little loose and a little too long. It would look better if it was a little shorter. I am really short my dress needed to be shorter.
*This is the worst background color for this dress. And my lighting didn't want to work.

It fit great and it would have been great for almost any occasion. If I left the house.  But I am not leaving until I can breathe through my nose again. I am just going to stay home, take cold medicine, and drink tea.
 The sweater makes it look more like a skirt and keeps me warm.
My apologies for the lighting issues.
Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.
*I will be starting to add year end updates to the posts from earlier this year just to let you know what I think of the clothes as the year went on.


  1. darling! i a new to your blog! looking forward to see your creations! i also do upcycling/refashion!
    in fact i started a costume rental business based on 100% upcycling thrifted textiles...i've been doing it for 5 years now,..but now i am upcycling for myself too! please come check out my blog and the NYE dress I just made! it's a copy-cat anthropologie dress!
    i know there's a bunch of us out there...also looking for a way to link all of us together!

  2. Hope you are all feeling better now!

    You look beautiful in your outfit. Its pale pink sparkles would be perfect for Valentine's Day!

  3. Thanks for the comments. And Happy New Year!
