Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Shorter and Shorter

Hello Readers. I am writing this late at night, last minute because of some tech problems (some keys on my keyboard stopped working. And not to be picky, but I need all 26 letters.) and some lost teddy bear problems (My youngest could not find his bear for bedtime and we were searching for a long time. It was tangled in the blanket on my bed.) Please forgive any typos and incoherent thoughts. 
Let's talk about clothes. 
My daughter gave me this army green skirt. She didn't want it anymore. It fit her great because she is 8 inches taller than me. I love green so I wanted to make it work for me.

 Did it fit me? Ha! No, it did not. It was miles too long. The only way to make it the right length was to pull it up over my chest. It's not a great look. Maxi-skirts are not designed for very short people.

 I thought it went with this sweater so well. I found this sweater at a clothes swap and it was giving all the late 70's/early 80's vibes. I decided to shorten the skirt a little but keep it long-ish. Why? I don't know. Probably because I don't have many long skirts. I didn't love it with the sweater at this length.

 I went a bit shorter, and I am glad I did. It was just more fun and relaxed at this length. I felt more fun and relaxed when I wore it anyway. It seemed better with the sweater too.

You can see the simple hemming I did each time I cut it to a new length. Cut, hem. Cut, hem. Shortening it gave it a nice A-line shape.

There was some scrap fabric leftover. What did I did with that? I made snowman t-shirts for myself and the 4 year old that was traumatized by the loss of his bear. We found the bear but he was really on edge and over tired and couldn't go to sleep. We talked about many things before he calmed down. One of the things that distracted him was the idea of having a "Snowman Day". (Snowman shaped food, books, drawing, and shirts.) So here are my midnight projects.I hope they are a fun surprise in the morning. I used pieces of the skirt for the snowmen scarves.

Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.


  1. Really a great work you've done with loyalty and great mind I really appreciate you.

  2. The shorter skirt looks so much better on a petite! Midi length , IMHO, often looks over-sized and ill-fitting on a petite. I didn't realize this when I wore RTW business suits to work. Now I have time in retirement to refashion my clothes to make them fit me.

  3. I know what you mean. I love it on my tall daughter but not so much on me.
    My legs seem to disappear!
    Happy sewing to you!
