Friday, August 2, 2019

A Curtain Refresher

Hello Readers. Today's post is not about clothes. It's about curtains. I decided to dress my curtains up with some trim that I was given.

Before                             After

My sweet mother-in-law cleaned out her sewing room and passed along some great stuff. My house has a lot of blue and white so that is what I gathered together. I found enough pom-pom trim to dress up all of my curtains downstairs.

I added the blue pom-poms because they were so fun. And because there was enough of it to do the whole job. The blue really adds a pop of color to the valances. The curtain on the left is finished. The curtain on the right is waiting for trim.

I added the blue and yellow fringe trim to the fabric blinds on the windows. These are heavy enough to block the hot summer sun from coming in and making my house too warm. The fringe adds a fun touch.

This is my dining room. These valances were straight along the bottom edge. I wanted them to match the other valances. My house is really open and you can see every room at once. I like the curtains to match each other room. Different colors and fabrics can look like a crazy mess when the rooms all join each other.
(There are toys and kid stuff everywhere so it's still a crazy mess. The curtains won't change that, but the the windows will look nice and neat. Notice that none of these pictures show  any of the floor, that's where the kid mess is.)

I used a curved valance as a guide and cut the straight curtains to match.

I added the blue pom-pom trim and hung them back up.

This is the front room, now every room is matching a little better.

Thanks for reading along, next time we will be back to the clothing.
***Year End update-  I'm not sure if this is a true refashion. I still like the blue toile curtains. I am glad I added the trim. I am still very happy my mother-in-law gave me all the trim.

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