Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Dressember 2018; Dress 5

Hello Readers. This is the fifth dress in honor of Dressember. You can go to to learn more about the work that they do. 
The main idea is to wear dresses all month to raise awareness about human trafficking. I am doing that but also sharing dress refashions with you all month.

Today's dress was originally a simple, but SO soft flannel shirt.

I bought this shirt for my husband as a gift a long time ago. Did he wear it? No, no he did not. So I took it back. He obviously didn't like it very much. It was now going to begin a new life. 

I began by removing the pocket on the chest. I saved it for later. Everybody likes pockets right?

I also removed the collar and the cuffs.

I cut the body of the shirt off, right across the chest. If I had not removed the pocket first it would have been cut in half. I also grabbed this sweatshirt. I was going to use that as the bodice or top of my dress.

I used my machine to attach the flannel piece to the waistband of the sweatshirt. I used a zigzag stitch to cover the edge of the flannel in case it wanted to fray.
I put the pocket back on. I placed it at hip level so I could use it easily.

I also inserted wide elastic into the waistband of the sweatshirt. I wanted the waist to be fitted and hold up the flannel skirt.

Then I was ready to go to a casual family Christmas party. 
I don't know what you and your family do at parties, but we had a lot of fun!

**** SCRAP WORK *****

Remember the sleeves and shoulders I had leftover?

It was basically a long tube. I connected the ends so I had a circle, and it became my new flannel infinity scarf.
You can still see the seams of the shirt in it but when it is wrapped around my neck, it looks great. And it is so soft and warm too!

Thanks for reading along, now go make something fun for yourself.

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