Friday, January 5, 2018

What to Wear to The New Star Wars Movie?

Hello Readers. What did you do over the holidays? I get together with friends and family every year. I also have a tradition I have followed the last couple years. After Christmas my mother and I go see the latest "Star Wars" movie. I went to see the first "Star Wars" in 1977. We saw it about 15 times. I don't know why my parents took us to see it so much, but they started a life long love/obsession.
(In 9th grade I was home for a month with mono and watched "The Empire Strikes Back" dozens of times on cable. This may be a factor in my love of Star Wars as well.)

Anyway..... I had about 5 minutes to get ready to go to the movie with my mom. I really wanted to wear something appropriate for the occasion. My teen son gave me this men's size medium shirt with Master Yoda on it. I forgot until the last minute that I wanted to wear it to the movie.
(Spoiler Alert: Yoda makes a small appearance in the latest movie.)

Here is the shirt. It was a medium men's t-shirt. It was a little big and shapeless. But look at that Yoda! He looks really tough. I don't like the fit of men's shirts. I usually alter them with the method you can read about below.

I was in a rush but I wanted the shirt to be more flattering and more fitted. T-shirts for men have a very straight and boxy cut. I made a new shape on the sides. I made a curve on each side because I have a more curvy shape. I made the sleeves a little tighter as well. This was a very easy way to make the shirt as flattering as I could in a short amount of time. I didn't want it tight, just less baggy. I find that very baggy clothes, especially shirts, make me look very heavy.

I paired it with this black knit skirt so it looked like a dress. (It was December and I was wearing dresses all month for Dressember.)

Fast and easy T-shirt alteration right here!

I was super comfortable and SUPER EXCITED to go see this movie. I can give you my review, it was good. Rogue One is still my favorite but this was a good one too.

My mom liked the movie too. We were both big fans of Princess Leia, and she had a big role in this movie.

Thanks for reading and...
May The Force Be With You!

*Year end update - I still love this Yoda shirt. It gets a lot of wear.

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