Thursday, April 6, 2017

The Shorter Spring Sweater

Hello Readers. It is warmer and sunny and no coats are needed to enjoy the outdoors. I am not the rugged type so when I say outdoors I mean the fenced backyard. I am back with a Spring sweater to go with the polka dot jeans I made last time. 

Let's start at the beginning. I have no memory of where or how this sweater came to be on my refashion rack. I can't recall any specifics at this time but I'm sure it was legit. It was light weight and in great condition. It was a little longer than I wanted and those sleeves are obviously too long. The colors said Spring to me and it would look great with my polka dot jeans.

I shortened everything on this sweater I could. I shortened the arms so it would be more comfortable in the warmer weather. I reattached the wristbands at the end of the new short sleeves so they would look nicely finished. It didn't seem to fray but I didn't trust the raw seams either, so I used a zigzag stitch on the edges.

Yes, those are my dog's feet.

I shortened the body of the sweater and reattached the waistband. I didn't want it tight I just wanted it shorter.

Thanks for reading, now go make something fun for yourself.

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