Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Sweater Skirt

Hello Readers. I hope you are warm and cozy where you are. It is icy cold around here. The frigid temps are the inspiration for this project. It's a skirt made from a sweater. I liked this sweater and wore it often when I was pregnant. You can see in the photo on the left that the sweater opens and left room for my huge pregnant belly. My little guy was 9 lbs 11 oz, my belly was HUGE!

This sweater lays flat on the dress form. It looks harmless enough, I just don't want to wear it now that I am not pregnant.

I cut the shoulders open to start with. I needed to create a waistband. Those center buttons will be the perfect way to get the skirt on and off. I did some measuring and checking to get the size right.

You can see the shape is getting closer to a skirt. I just had to turn the edge under and use a zigzag stitch so the waist had some give and stretch like the sweater did already.

Here is how the skirt opens so I can put it on. It was super easy, the button holes were already there. I stitched down the front to connect the two sides and that only took a minute.

I wore it on a horribly cold day. It was very comfy and cozy but I was still super cold while these pictures were being taken. It was awful outside.

This is the rack I use to hold the items I am planning to refashion someday. I came into the room one day recently and the entire rack had snapped. I was dismayed and I left the mess where it was until I could get a new one. Somewhere in there is my next project.

That's all for now, stay warm my friends. 

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