Wednesday, November 23, 2016

A Tale Of Two Sweaters

Hello Readers. My project today involved 2 sweaters. They were both too small but I wanted to save one of them. I know what you 're thinking. (We're friends now, I know you well.) You are thinking why bother with these sweaters?

Because cashmere baby! I am a sucker for cashmere sweaters. They are so soft. It's like they were knit by little angels or something. This is a simple white sweater with black trim.

I decided to make it bigger. I cut the sides and arms and removed the seam. This is what it looked like spread out on the floor.

I had this pink sweater with black trim. It wasn't made of cashmere and it was really pink. I am not a huge fan of pink but it would be useful in this project.

It came with a big black flower pin. Under that black flower is another flower. It is stitched on and I liked it better than the pin.

I cut out the flower and saved it for later.

I cut out two stripes from under the arms all the way down the sides. The pieces were about 3 inches wide. I didn't get a picture of them, sorry. This is what the pink sweater looked like after I cut off all the pieces I needed to enlarge the white sweater.

Here are the pink pieces after I sewed them into the white sweater. They run from the waist to the wrist. It added enough to make the size comfortable for me. 

This is my "Mom's lost it!" pose.

You can see the pink piece on the side of the sweater here. I used the same technique in my last post to make a T-shirt bigger. I like this method because it leaves the neck, shoulders and outer arms intact. You can see I attached the flower applique to the sweater too. I hand stitched over the black stitches that were already there. It made the simple sweater not so plain.

It is Thanksgiving tomorrow in the U.S.
I am thankful for a lot of things in this life, thanks to you for reading this post.


  1. Once again - great save.

    Hope you had a good Thanksgiving. Here in Canada ours is a distant memory (October). I'm ready for turkey again.

    1. Thanks for the comments jenny-o. I figured other people in other places might not be on my holiday schedule but you never know. My husbands family is Italian so we don't have turkey, we have lasagna. hahaha

    2. Lasagna would be equally acceptable :)
