Thursday, September 8, 2016

I Made A Figet Quilt

Hello Readers. My project today was made for a friend. She asked me to make a figet quilt for her aunt. This aunt is quite elderly and has dementia. The purpose of the figet quilt is to give her something to do. There are lots of different textures and items to touch and fiddle with. It is all attached to the quilt, so it can't be dropped or lost. The quilt will sit in her lap and she can keep herself busy and entertained for a little while.

After some research online I found there really are no rules. You can use anything and everything. You can see the pocket from a pair of jeans. And an empty spool of thread to play with. New things can be added by tying them on one of the loops.

It is hard to tell from the picture but this is a piece of wrapping from a shipping envelop. It has a nice crinkle sound and the elastic it is attached to is sewn on the pink top layer of the quilt. The button and dangling ribbons are also attached to the top layer of the quilt. 

I added a little brass hook to open and close.

And some gold studs to jazz it up. They have a smooth but distinct feel to touch.

This is a view of the inside of one pocket. I attached the fabric loop to the top pink layer of the quilt and then stitched the pocket on. When everything was attached to the pink layer I added some quilt batting and a bottom layer of fabric. 

 I stitched all the way around and added some bias tape around the edge to finish it off. I went over the edge with a zigzag stitch to make it very strong. Hopefully it will keep my friend's aunt busy and entertained. 

This quilt is very feminine but you could make one for a man with a sports or outdoor theme. The possibilities are endless.
Happy sewing to you.


  1. C, this is such a good idea! You executed it beautifully.

  2. Thanks Courtney! It was fun to do something different.

  3. Thank you for doing this and remembering our frail, helpless ones. I have seen this once before and I think it's a great
    idea. We can make these with junk drawer items and scraps.
    Love it. What is the size overall ?

    1. Hi A.C. Thanks for you comment. The quilt is fairly small. Its about 24' by 24' It's almost a mat instead of a quilt. It fits right on the lap when the user is seated.

  4. This is wonderful - the best I've seen yet. My father lived in a nursing home for quite a few years, and there were several residents there at the time who needed something like this. They would fold and refold their clothing or a paper napkin or the straps on their lift slings (which were under them in their wheelchairs). I used to feel so badly for them. A fidget quilt would help so much with their need to "do" something with their hands.

    1. Thanks Jenny_o. I hope it helps keep this sweet lady busy and content.
