Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Combo Leftovers

Hello Readers. Today's project is the second part of this dress refashion. It was a little too stark and severe for me. In my last post I used the top of this dress. Today I am going to used the bottom of the dress that was leftover. I don't like to waste good fabric. Or anything else for that matter.

This is the dress cut in two pieces. I had the bottom skirt piece but I didn't want a skirt. I wanted a little black top. The material was really nice and soft. It needed to be used for something comfy and casual.

I cut this half circle piece from the side of the skirt. I also cut a small half circle in the center where the neck hole would go. If I had a larger skirt I could have made a longer shirt or tunic.

The easiest way to make sure it was even when I did all the cutting from the above picture was to fold it in half and cut all the layers together. I also cut the neck at an angle. I thought a V neck would be more flattering and comfortable.
If you look really closely you can see the chalk mark on the side where I sewed the side together. I marked both sides while they were folded together so I could be sure they would be even when I stitched the sides together. As you can see each side will have a short seam to hold it together.

I planned to wear a tank under it because it is cropped and on the short side. 
 This is also great for nursing moms. You could have a small slit on each side of the tank up under the black shirt. Then you could lift the black shirt when it was time to feed the baby. Super easy and cheaper than buying nursing tops as they can be pretty pricey.

I wore it to go out and play PokemonGo with my teen. There was a lot of activity on my street that day. I am not a big gamer but I like to keep an eye what my kids are into. So, now I am chasing Pokemon.

Thanks for reading, Now go make something fun for yourself.


  1. Cute! I think this is the kind of thing I could make for my daughter because it isn't meant to fit closely. She's having her second baby in October and could use some tops. (We don't live very near each other, so I could make one without measuring or fitting too much.) Thanks for sharing.

    1. That is a great idea! I wish I had thought of that when I was pregnant. She'll love it.
