Saturday, April 9, 2016

Painted Polka Dots

Hello Readers. I hope it is a nice day where you are and you are relaxing somewhere reading this post. My project today is this blue blouse from my mom. (Thanks Mom!) She handed it down to me a while ago. I wasn't sure what to do with it. The fit is pretty good. It is in great shape. I haven't worn it yet because it was a little conservative. She wore it to work in an office, it was just right for that. I am a SAHM and I usually dress more casual and little quirky. I don't have a dress code and I try have fun with it.

This blouse looks like raw silk. It isn't, but it is doing a great job of pretending. 

I got some equipment to jazz this blouse up. This gold paint says it will work for fabric and these paint sponges will make some easy polka dots all over this blouse.

Here is my beginning. I put paper inside the shirt so the paint won't soak through to the back. The dots are not perfect but they will look nice when they are all done. I used the ruler as a guide to space them out. I didn't worry about being exact. Perfect is no fun. Hand crafted items have variations and that's OK. I gave the front time to dry.

When I flipped it over I saw that it had soaked through in a few spots. I just made polka dots on top of those "mistakes". (Shh, no one will ever know.)

Finished. And there was a break in the rain/wind/snow long enough to take a quick picture. Spring and Winter are fighting it out for dominance where I live. So far, Winter is winning big.

Thanks for reading this post. Now go make something fun for yourself.


  1. Just getting caught up after a busy week - love everything you've been doing; you are so productive. Thanks for sharing your ideas here.

    1. Hi Jenny_o. I missed you. And thanks, I'm glad you liked my latest projects. Take care.
