Thursday, April 28, 2016

Button Down Three; The Striped One

Hello Readers. I hope you are well. I am on my third button-down refashion. It is actually a combination of two shirts.

This striped shirt was was large and the sleeves were too long. I cut it from side to side, under the arms. I used pinking shears to help control fraying.

I have had this super stretchy black T-shirt for years. It has gotten a little small through the body (baby weight and all) so it is perfect for a refashion. I cut it the same way. (Sorry for the picture quality, it's awful. A new camera is on the way.)

The black shirt was smaller than the striped shirt. That's OK. I put the right sides together and stretched the T-shirt as I sewed the two together.  When I was finished the striped shirt was gently gathered all the way around. This left the striped shirt nice and full through the body. That's good for the look I want.

 I planned to wear a belt with it to cinch the waist. Without a belt this looks very maternity and I don't want that. I got this idea from Pinterest, it linked me to a blog about fashion called Cowboys & Angels. So, thanks to them for the idea.

 This shirt is one of my new favorites. It is really comfortable with the stretchy arms and shoulders.

Thanks for reading, now go make something fun for yourself.


  1. I like this one ... a LOT! Great use of the two tops! Thank you for inspiring me! Hazel x

  2. This is one of my favorites too!
    Glad you liked it.
