Thursday, January 28, 2016

Flower Power Part 2

Hello Readers. Today is the second part of this refashion. 

It all started with this floral top. The flower is so pretty, the fit of the top is awful and puffy. I gave it a cut across the top and took the ruffle off what was left of the shirt.

Actual sewing!

I attached the ruffle to the neckline of this tank top. It was super easy and quick.

It is totally inappropriate for the Snowpocalypse we are in right now so I added a sweater. I didn't wear it out anywhere because I was snowed in. FOR FIVE DAYS! (It doesn't sound long, but it felt like ages.) It took that long for the plows and front loaders to get to us.

Here is a re-cap of both tops. Do you have a favorite? 

Thanks for reading, now go make something fun for yourself.


  1. Five days IS a long time when you're used to coming and going freely. The longest we've ever been snowed in was three days and we thought that was bad :)

    Another sweet top. Another good colour match. I like both tops equally; they're totally different.

    1. Thanks jenny_o. We can get out now and restock the food supplies. Being snowed in makes me very hungry.
      Glad you like the tops.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.
