Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A "New" Coat

Hello Readers. I hope you are ready for winter. It gets cold where I live and I was not ready. I washed my old jacket and my washing machine destroyed it. I found this heavy fleece jacket at a clothes swap recently. It was just in time. It is much too big but I thought I could work with it. Those GIANT pockets are going to be great and the hood is nice too.

The arms are a serious issue. Why are my arms so short?

I have never worked with fleece before. I knew it wouldn't fray, but would it be difficult to sew through? The answer was, NO! 

I cut the cuffs off and hemmed the arms. I also took the sides  and arms in a bit. I left it roomy and comfortable because I want to wear winter clothes under it. 

Here I am at the fabric store, one of my favorite places. I was cozy and warm all day. This jacket cost me nothing and it fits me well. Win-win.

Thanks you for reading, now go make yourself something fabulous.

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