Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Mt Everest T

Hello Readers. Most of my refashions are making a larger item smaller, but not always. Did you ever have a T shirt you liked but couldn't get into? This is a quick casual project to enlarge a favorite shirt. I am going to use a couple small pieces of a second T to add some needed room.

This shirt is brand new but too small. I love the Mt Everest theme. I am never going to climb Mt Everest, but now I don't need to. I have the shirt! It says 2015 on it and this year has been a big year at my house. (Pregnancy, bed rest, hubby's car wreck, hubby's cardiac scare, more bed rest, new baby, recovery, staph infection, more recovery...blah, blah, blah) It's like I climbed my own little Mt Everest here in Small Town, USA.

I have no before pictures because it was that small. I couldn't get it on and neither could my dress form. My first step was to cut the neckband out to open it up and cut the arms off at a slight angle. I cut 2 long thin pieces from the patterned shirt. I made them 2 inches wide and the same length as the body of the T. This will vary depending on your shirt.

I cut straight up each side of the Everest T, stopping at the seam under the arm. I inserted the extra fabric and sewed them in.

Front view, back view and my finger on the camera. Oops!

Here is a close up of the finished shirt. It has this patterned "stripe" on each side.

I wore it when I sampled some holiday baked goods.

Mmmm, cake.

Thanks you very much for reading, now go make something fabulous for yourself. Or go climb a mountain if you want. 


  1. I also need to step away from the cake, but I like how you made this shirt work. It looks great.

  2. Life can sure feel like a mountain at times - hope life is easing up for you now. I love the colours in this and the enlarging turned out nicely!

    1. Thanks Jenny_o! Life is always full of surprises. Glad you liked it.
