Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Just Dye It!

Hello Readers. As you can see from these pictures, it isn't very cold yet. Not when I took these pictures anyway. Is it cold where you are? I always wonder where you are and what you have been working on lately. 

My project today is a pair of white jeans. There isn't anything wrong with them, they're great. I love white jeans. They were $3 on the clearance rack, they fit well and are not too long. I am really short so everything is too long. When I tried these on and they were the right length, I thought it was meant to be. They won't stay white though. My big black dog getting in mud or my 7 month old baby boy eating and spitting baby food at me will take care of that.

My idea is to dye them to a darker shade with this Rit dye. I chose Pearl Gray. That will be a safer color for me and my real (messy) life. If you have a top loading washing machine you can dye clothes in it. I have a front loader so I need to use a bucket.

I followed the directions for cotton material. I stirred and waited. I stirred and waited again. It seemed like a LONG time. (I hate waiting.) I wound up putting the baby to bed, forgetting this and going to sleep. Oops!

After I washed them, I got this result. It wasn't what I expected. It has variations in the color that are easier to see up close. When I use dye I never know exactly what will happen. Every garment reacts a little different to the dye. That is the fun part.

From a distance they look more uniform in color. It is darker and more dog/baby proof. I really like the color. It is different, but not too crazy.

If you haven't tried to dye something, try it soon. You'll love it. It can brighten things up, it can cover a stain, or it can just be a fun way to refashion something you already have into something new. Thanks for reading, now go make something fabulous for yourself.


After further wear these jeans stretched and stretched. They were seriously saggy. I narrowed them a little and they got too short. So, in the end they became skinny jeans.

The End

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